Tomahawk City, NY – Summer Oddity

Summer Oddity, a new comic for the baby grand art show, and summer in general.

It’s presented in its complete horizontal format, as it’s presented in the show.


This was a fun one, fun once I started going, as usual life put a strain on getting this done when I wanted to, that and I’m an expert procrastinator. At least I’m productive when I can focus. It’s the cooking comic/sing-a-long comic that I’ve been meaning to do for a couple months now, the format is a little different as the pages are formatted as squares, but otherwise I’m quite pleased with it. Probably the most nipples I’ve drawn in a single comic. Formally it’s reminiscent of an awesome issue of Scud the Disposable Assassin where Scud fights Voo-Doo Ben and Sol on the even pages, while Jeff escapes from the hospital in the evens, one of my all time faves. Adding the colors afterward helped a lot, to keep the story lines clear.

This is the first time I’ve inked a comic using brushes, and as you can see by the results, I’m definitely not all that comfortable with it, but I’m going to try and stick with it. Around page 8 or so I started to feel a bit more comfortable with using the brush. And near the end I was many times faster than the beginning. As usual I looked at a lot of Paul Pope and Farel Dalrymple comics, a lot less Taiyo Matsumoto, I think I appreciated these guys even more after looking at what they do with their brushwork and what I’m feebly attempt to do with mine.

Whatever, I hope you enjoy, and check it out at baby grand if you’re in the area until the 12th of Sept.

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This image is already old, but great.

Soooo the putting lot should be open this weekend, our hole works, just needs a few minor things to finish it. Unfortunately for us it’s been raining all week, and you can’t paint things or use carpet glue in the rain. It works mechanically pretty well though, we were on site pretty late enjoying a testing session.



the temporary website: the putting lot dot org


This is the first comic I’ve drawn since June last year.  Pretty sad huh.  I’m liking how it turned out though.  I don’t know what to call these but they’re the first slice of life comics I’ve done I think.  Each will be one page long.  I have several captured already, but this is the first complete.  I’m guessing most will revolve around domestic life, maybe work.  Anyway c & c  welcome.

It’s in the 80’s today.

Pineapple Pineapple


California State Fair 2007

Just sharing possibly the best gift Hannah and I have ever received.  Received October-ish 2007.

Also of note, the ghost cat found a mouse and made him a ghost mouse.

ghost cat!

Circa early January-2009.  I think.