Oh heart green acre sown with salt
by the departing occupier
lay down your gallant spears of wheat
Salt of the earth each stellar pinch
flung in blind defiance backwards
now takes its toll Up from his quieted
quarry the lover colder and wiser
hauling himself finds the world turning
toys triumphs toxins into
this vast facility the living come
dearest to die in How did it happen
In bright alternation minutely mirrored
Within the thinking of each and every
mortal creature halves of a clue
approach the earthlinghts Morning star
evening star salt of the sky
First the grave dissolving into dawn
then the crucial recrystallizing
from the inmost depths of clear dark blue
An Upward Look By James Merrill
Better late than never I guess, apologies this took so long to put up.
An Upward Look was our (Jefferson, Laura, Hannah, and myself) entry to the Chicago Hole Competition “MINE THE GAP” which won an honorable mention. The content consisted of the two boards above, you can click them to enlarge if you want to see some of the detail, or at least as much as a online image can offer. I hope you enjoy.
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