terrible horrible

Terrible Horrible is a comic that is just that.  It’s probably the worst thing I’ve ever made in my whole life.  I think it’s always a hit or miss, sometimes I read these feel like they are the worst thing on the internet, and sometimes I read them and think they’re awesome.  You need to be in the mood.  The newer ones are on the top.






  1. Eric Komans says:

    Hells yeah! I’ve always adored these.

    …If I’m not mistaken, I believe I actually sent you an archive of these waaaay back when.

  2. Naris says:

    LOL…I swear the cat is mir.

  3. Tweek says:

    I stumbled upon the Taco Bell comic spontaneously on photobucket a long time ago and for quite some time wondered where it was from… finally got down to googling it and, oh man, am I glad I did! This is honestly the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Number seven is my particular favourite. Thanks for the laughs!

  4. Nicole says:

    without fail, for the past 5 years, whenever I hear someone yell ‘asshole,’ I think of this.

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keep it to the LEFT

on the left


i need to post more pictures.  this one is from ps1.  last day of the olafur eliasson show, there were good things.  this was so incredibly long ago i don’t even know when it happened.  personal projects: i’m in the process of building the greatest table of all time.




= awesome!



I got my FIVE carnifexes.  i think they will all be boomfexes, probably.  also unknowingly picked up the new Meathaus compilation SOS.  it’s in FULL COLOR.  really rad, i look forward to reading it, especially on the subway for some reason. I might see hellboy 2 tonight b/c batman is sold out every time, by that i mean the imax version i don’t even care to watch it on a normal movie screen.  the problem is that every showing was sold out last weekend, even 2am and 6am showings.  gonna name my hive fleet SUPERFLAT i think.  it will be just that.


I had no idea of the awesomeness in this world.


someone should tell Dana White about this. MMASCRABBLE.


imhotep 2021


imhotep 2021





i got into work around 9am yesterday.  I left work around 10:15 am today.  had a presentation to do.  3ds kept crashing.  i figured out wordpress.  sean got jumped the day by a gang of youth before yesterday on the 6th ave stop where the L and the F connect.  He fended them off and had nothing stolen.  Good for him.  I need to change the colors I think.  Also

I have five carnifexes coming in the mail.

I don’t know if this layout is too much.

but here’s the first post.  it’s pretty interactive which is great.