This is the first comic I’ve drawn since June last year.  Pretty sad huh.  I’m liking how it turned out though.  I don’t know what to call these but they’re the first slice of life comics I’ve done I think.  Each will be one page long.  I have several captured already, but this is the first complete.  I’m guessing most will revolve around domestic life, maybe work.  Anyway c & c  welcome.

It’s in the 80’s today.


  1. meg says:

    what is happening to hannah in the last square? is that her overcome by your love, transformed from super angry to super stoked about getting married in a pyramid?
    and also, probably more curious if you did have any luck finding a girl on the internet who wants to get married in a pyramid? you should try craigslist. it’s a modern bottomless pit.

    is this an artificial pyramid?? built in the bushwick fringe out of plastic milk jugs with a cereal box floor. i don’t know what this cereal + marriage interest is but it could be a great theme!

    missin the 80’s in nyc.

  2. andy says:

    liking the comic dave. you always use that color so well.

    so are these slices of life true to life? i’ve never seen hannah that color. (not saying much)

  3. Eric Komans says:

    I haven’t done any comics in a long time, since I decided to taking acting more seriously… I wish I had finished learning to draw before I quit, so I could just randomly bang one out from time to time, haha.

  4. […] two, which were pretty rushed. But not bad considering I haven’t drawn a comic since that internet one. I sort of did the Lebbeus Woods thing where all the text is at the beginning and only images […]

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Tomahawk City, NY

So… Paul Lau and I are making a comic to handout @ NYCC (New York Comic Con) which is about a month away.  We gave ourselves a couple months to do this, however in our infinite wisdom only began drawing last week.  So we’re really pressed for time right now.  I’m not sure what the collaboration is called but it will feature two 12-14 page comics, back to back, like the classic double feature comics of old.

Above is either page 1 or 2 (not sure yet) of my comic tentatively titled “TOMAHAWK CITY, NY”.  It’s supposed to be a nighttime scene so I don’t know if it reads that way.  I feel like it’s a bit heavy on the tones.  Meh.  I am liking my lines so far though.   Hopefully Paul and I can get these badboy’s done and printed in time, and hopefully show some kids that we’re still cool, that we can still hang hahaha.  BTW Paul’s script is really funny.

Hopefully update soon!


The ever name changing collective of imhotep 2021, and meat pallet have been reimagined as Global Sand Architekten, and submitted an entry to the Sukkah City competition. The sukkah city team is Vivien, Hannah, Justin, and Myself.  In short the sukkah is a temporary structure used in the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, which is a harvest festival.  Each year there is a sukkah built in Union Square, this year there was a design competition for it, and 12 will be built.

Our non-winning entry involved a lace cube, some falsified ruins, and floating trees. It was somewhat hectic putting this board together. Judging by the winners designs shown on the internet, we were way off with our design language, laughably off. Regardless, I like how it turned out, and hopefully the winners can get these things built correctly, because if so I think Sukkah City will be pretty amazing event.

Click above image for detail.

Terrible Horrible Part Deux

The wait is over. That concludes the longest ongoing Terrible Horrible strip ever. So not worth it.

Thumbnailing my new 12 page comic and it’s looking better.


I didn’t win 5 dollars.  But I really like the 5 dollar winner.


My entry.

Terrible Horrible

So the last Terrible Horrible was done some time in 2008. It’s 2010 now, thus this new one took 2 years to write and draw. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever made, BUT it’s the longest Terrible Horrible strip I’ve written, because it spans multiple 3 panel strips. I left you with a cliffhanger so you’ll have to tune in later when I post more.

In slightly larger news I would like to explain that this Terrible Horrible is a simple warm-up to getting back into drawing comics again. I finally met Paul Lau in NYC (we’ve met before, once – for like 15 min.) recently and foolishly we’ve decided to combine our efforts and make a split mini together for NY Comic-Con. Ground rules included: 5 characters, we would each get two, and share the fifth who will be an astronaut. We may have had a loose agreement to have it set in NYC. 12 pages each. I’ll explain more as things progress, but until then Terrible Horrible.


I updated all my wordpress settings and I lost my old wordpress layout. j_j

Now I have this layout. SO INTENSE!