So the last Terrible Horrible was done some time in 2008. It’s 2010 now, thus this new one took 2 years to write and draw. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever made, BUT it’s the longest Terrible Horrible strip I’ve written, because it spans multiple 3 panel strips. I left you with a cliffhanger so you’ll have to tune in later when I post more.
In slightly larger news I would like to explain that this Terrible Horrible is a simple warm-up to getting back into drawing comics again. I finally met Paul Lau in NYC (we’ve met before, once – for like 15 min.) recently and foolishly we’ve decided to combine our efforts and make a split mini together for NY Comic-Con. Ground rules included: 5 characters, we would each get two, and share the fifth who will be an astronaut. We may have had a loose agreement to have it set in NYC. 12 pages each. I’ll explain more as things progress, but until then Terrible Horrible.
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