This is just a quick quick update on the state of things.  2011 is shaping up to be a terrible year.  Already the worst on record.

My girlfriend of 6+ years broke up with me on New Years Eve, my co-worker tells me oddly enough that more breakups happen on that day than any other day of the year.  Valentines Day is apparently second.

We had been living together for 4+ years.  Our lease ended on the end of January.  She moved to a new place, and I crashed on my friends couch for the month of February.   It was really nice of them to help me out like that.  It was a really intense effort dividing the things during the month of January.  I now have the cat.

The cat, which tends to freak out has had a rough February and March as well.

The hard drive to my laptop died.  200 dollars later I have a new hard drive, but didn’t spend the money to take the data off.  Luckily I backed up things sometime early last year.

I just moved into a new place in Carroll Gardens with a childhood friend and his friend.  3 bedroom.  It’s a pretty great location.  I painted my room, and built some shelves, which I need to continue doing this weekend.  I am excited about this situation.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Sacramento Kings will be moving to Anaheim, which is terrible news if you’re a engaged Kings fan like myself.  Fucking Anaheim.

I quit facebook, don’t try to find me there.  If you thought I un-friended you, I did, but I also un-friended all of facebook so don’t take it personally.

In March I look forward to seeing Godspeed at that church in Manhattan.   Finishing up the apartment, and drawing some new comic for MoCCA, which is April 9th.  Girl Scout cookies will be available soon.  I need a haircut.  Bitch, bitch, bitch.  That’s all I seem to do these days.



  1. viv says:

    grow back like a starfish…

  2. laura says:

    cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how have i not gone yet? congrats on the new job, and general awesomeness.

  3. andrew says:

    see you tomorrow yeah!

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So there’s a reception at baby grand, on tuesday evening 7-9pm.  I have the new comic up in the space and I’m happy with it, I’ll post it here shortly in both digital and photo format. Paul and I are going to stencil a poster outside for hype, and put some more original artwork up as well.



These are for the next show at Babygrand.  It’s a great bar my friends own. (babygrandnyc)

Paul and I have a lot of drawing to do, wish us luck.


Made for MoCCA 2011, in conjunction with Paul and Brian’s comic Spacetrash.   Full comic after the cut.

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Rock Paper Scissors

Pretty neat little study.  I enjoyed dominating the terminator hand.

via Boing Boing



This is just a quick quick update on the state of things.  2011 is shaping up to be a terrible year.  Already the worst on record.

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The end of this little guy.  This scene was one of the first I thought up, because of the use of the astronaut.  I wanted a fish-eye scene, which was pretty fun.  I fish eyed the word bubble.  Hope you all enjoyed this.  I’ll post the cover and print-ups next.