The ever name changing collective of imhotep 2021, and meat pallet have been reimagined as Global Sand Architekten, and submitted an entry to the Sukkah City competition. The sukkah city team is Vivien, Hannah, Justin, and Myself.  In short the sukkah is a temporary structure used in the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, which is a harvest festival.  Each year there is a sukkah built in Union Square, this year there was a design competition for it, and 12 will be built.

Our non-winning entry involved a lace cube, some falsified ruins, and floating trees. It was somewhat hectic putting this board together. Judging by the winners designs shown on the internet, we were way off with our design language, laughably off. Regardless, I like how it turned out, and hopefully the winners can get these things built correctly, because if so I think Sukkah City will be pretty amazing event.

Click above image for detail.


  1. as says:

    i don’t believe that you didn’t win, some kind of red herring or somesh?

  2. david says:

    next time I hope YOU are Thom Mayne, then we’d be golden. But I mean check this out. We were waaaaaaay off.

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This image is already old, but great.

Soooo the putting lot should be open this weekend, our hole works, just needs a few minor things to finish it. Unfortunately for us it’s been raining all week, and you can’t paint things or use carpet glue in the rain. It works mechanically pretty well though, we were on site pretty late enjoying a testing session.



the temporary website: the putting lot dot org


This is the first comic I’ve drawn since June last year.  Pretty sad huh.  I’m liking how it turned out though.  I don’t know what to call these but they’re the first slice of life comics I’ve done I think.  Each will be one page long.  I have several captured already, but this is the first complete.  I’m guessing most will revolve around domestic life, maybe work.  Anyway c & c  welcome.

It’s in the 80’s today.

Pineapple Pineapple


California State Fair 2007

Just sharing possibly the best gift Hannah and I have ever received.  Received October-ish 2007.

Also of note, the ghost cat found a mouse and made him a ghost mouse.

ghost cat!

Circa early January-2009.  I think.