Wizard People, Dear Reader

Hannah and I have been Brad Neely fans for quite some time now, if you’re not familar with him he did that little washington video where washington is a total badass.  Well if you didn’t know he also has a huge collection of even better “brad neely comics” at superdeluxe.com, and they are well worth the look.  We quote the professor brothers and babycakes pretty often.

Now I learned yesterday that Brad Neely’s early work included a retelling of Harry Potter, called “wizard people, dear readers” which is played over a silent harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone.  We did this yesterday, and was by far 6 million points better than the original.  6 million points for harry potter!  griffindor wins!!!  It was envisioned as a audiobook of the first book that synced up with the movie.  I encourage everyone to watch the adventures of HP, Ronnie the Bear Weasel, Wretched Harmony, Dazzler, Haggar the Horrible, and Hardcastle McCormick.  Not to mention Mouthoil and Roast Beefy.  It’s quite amazing watching the spectacle to realize how much work was put into it, and the general amount of genius all round.  I read that he used to do this live, but got shut down by the man, too bad.

You can download the audio and read instructions here.

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keep it to the LEFT

on the left


i need to post more pictures.  this one is from ps1.  last day of the olafur eliasson show, there were good things.  this was so incredibly long ago i don’t even know when it happened.  personal projects: i’m in the process of building the greatest table of all time.




= awesome!



I got my FIVE carnifexes.  i think they will all be boomfexes, probably.  also unknowingly picked up the new Meathaus compilation SOS.  it’s in FULL COLOR.  really rad, i look forward to reading it, especially on the subway for some reason. I might see hellboy 2 tonight b/c batman is sold out every time, by that i mean the imax version i don’t even care to watch it on a normal movie screen.  the problem is that every showing was sold out last weekend, even 2am and 6am showings.  gonna name my hive fleet SUPERFLAT i think.  it will be just that.


I had no idea of the awesomeness in this world.


someone should tell Dana White about this. MMASCRABBLE.


imhotep 2021


imhotep 2021





i got into work around 9am yesterday.  I left work around 10:15 am today.  had a presentation to do.  3ds kept crashing.  i figured out wordpress.  sean got jumped the day by a gang of youth before yesterday on the 6th ave stop where the L and the F connect.  He fended them off and had nothing stolen.  Good for him.  I need to change the colors I think.  Also

I have five carnifexes coming in the mail.

I don’t know if this layout is too much.

but here’s the first post.  it’s pretty interactive which is great.