new year

I return to New York more or less unemployed and look for work.  In the process of updating my portfolio and resume I made this for my 5th year project, The Vomitorium.  It feels like a really long time ago but I’m pretty pleased with the results.  It sort of cracks me up because it’s a heavily photoshopped image of an analog model that was built to look like a digital model.  I like the aesthetic.  I also posted a not as good night shot, and some other news after the cut.

It’s a bit difficult looking for work in the architecture field right now, mainly because nobody is building anything anywhere.  Even the UAE is slowing down I hear.  I’ve been really busy despite the fact that I’m not working.  I got sick from running around so much.  It’s also pretty cold here,  like the low is 8 degrees.  The hot water didn’t work when I first returned, so Hannah and I couldn’t take showers for like 4-5 days.  Next was the internet.  It was “accidentally” cut by the construction workers below and so didn’t have internet for a week.  Just fixed it yesterday, only because one of my neighbors took it upon himself to do some work.  There is good news about job stuff on the horizon, but I’m announcing nothing so as not to jinx it.  

Christmas vacation was good, it was a bit of culture shock to return to Sacramento after living here for the year.  I actually realized that it had been the first time outside of the 5 burroughs in a year.  And I’ve still never been to the Bronx.  I’ll post about the CA trip some other time.

Also did the no pants subway ride with Dan, Danny, and Matt.  I’ll post about that some other time too.

I’ve been going to the Compleat Strategist on Thursday nights for 40k, and seems really cool.  I have yet to get a game in, but I’ve been pretty unorganized about it.  However there is a tournament on Jan 24th, which I’ll participate in.  I’ll let you know how that goes.  And I’m looking forward to making this a regular part of my schedule.

Oh yeah Hannah and I will very likely move soon.  I’m not gonna say too much as to not jinx this either but it’s a good place, cheaper, and not full of ridiculous problems like construction workers and no hot water, etc.  Moving will be a bitch though.

So it’s shaping up to be a new job (hopefully)- new apartment (hopefully)- new friends- new year.  I’m enjoying it so far.


  1. garretfarmer says:

    sorry to hear about the job dave. thats to bad.
    I wish you guys luck on the new place and job and what not.
    I miss seeing you guys regularly and the city. Thanks for always giving me a place to crash whenever I’m there. You guys are great hosts.

  2. david says:

    yeah, the economy is really really bad right now, hopefully it’ll be a little better when you’re done but man. you are definitely always welcome here, I think you’d like the new place here, our place has just become ridiculous in the past 2 months.

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Drawn on a small pad really fast.  Inked faster.


These are the best comics I read on from last year.  Unlike music, I actually feel somewhat knowledgeable of what comics are new and cool (I read a lot of them).  These ranged from epic sized graphic novels to minicomis, to stories in anthologies, none of this is superhero related, oddly enough no manga.  So here is my list:


Pope Hats # 2 by Ethan Rilly (issue 1 is good, number 2 is amazing)
Forming vol 1 by Jesse Moynihan (this is the best webcomic on the internet, the print version is gorgeous)
Thickness # 2 anthology (both DeForge and Brandon Graham have great stories, excellent anthology)
Wolves by Becky Cloonan (best mini maybe of all time, unsurprisingly from Becky)
Orc Stain # 6 by James Stokoe (I love orc stain)
Big Questions collection by Anders Nilson (epic)
Habibi by Craig Thompson (Craig Thompson’s follow up to Blankets)
Optic Nerve # 12 by Adrian Tomine (I’m glad Optic Nerve is back, this one’s full color with two stories, and the letters, oh man I miss reading the letters, also picked up a Tomine print)
Hark A Vagrant collection by Kate Beaton (everyone should read these)
Lose # 3 by Michael DeForge (Probably my favorite creator I discovered this year, I bought all available books of his at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Fest – all his comics are amazing.)
Love And Rockets new stories vol. 4 by Jamie and Gilbert Hernandez (I love love and rockets)
The Speaker by Brandon Graham in DHP #7 (Brandon Graham’s story is enough to put it on my favorites list, didn’t care for much of the rest of the issue)
Any Empire by Nate Powell (Nate Powell’s follow up to Swallow Me Whole)
Hair Shirt by Patrick McEwon (I just picked this one up, really malancholy and beautiful)


P.S. – Favorite albums of last year: Wye Oak – Civillian; Fucked Up – David Comes To Life


Happy New Years everyone.

This last year has been the most interesting one I can remember.  It started with the worst day of my life, and proceeded to be weirdly anguish filled and excitedly different at the same time.

Overall I’m very glad it’s over, and look forward to 2012.

I hope to make more comics (Paul and I are beginning work on an ongoing webcomic thing) and continue to focus on the architecture career, which is easily the most productive part of my life right now.

2011, good riddance and go fuck yourself.

Everyone stay safe.

I’m off to go drinking.



via boingboing


Here’s an additional 1 page comic that was made for the print version of Summer Oddity.  Available now at better comic stores in NYC, and Baby Grand.

Apologies to Paul Pope for the title text.


Summer Oddity, a new comic for the baby grand art show, and summer in general.

It’s presented in its complete horizontal format, as it’s presented in the show.

Full comic behind the cut.

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