
To keep it short, the building we live in was sold and the new owner is removing the residential portion of the building, we therefore cannot renew the lease and will have to move out by next Sept.  There is a small amount of construction going on in the building currently, and Hannah and I recently explored the open first floor.  This used to be a factory where they make pillows.  Anyways our heating situation is pretty crappy right now so we found the boiler room.  I mean THE BOILERHOUSE… 

more after the cut…

there’s like a billion pipes going everywhere, and the space is really huge actually, probably 25′ ceilings, oh yeah the ceiling is shiny sheetmetal.  We were in there sometime in the mid morning, there was really amazing light at the time, there are two huge south facing windows and a skylight.

we also walked around an empty first floor which was pretty cool.  apparently it’s full of asbestos


  1. Garret says:

    your place just gets better and better

    its too bad you have to move.

  2. lawrence says:

    move into the boilerhouse, just build a big tank that looks like it should be there and move in, that way you’ll save on heating.
    also I heard asbestos insulates quite well. also grats on the white house project(s) to you and the team, looks great.

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So there’s a reception at baby grand, on tuesday evening 7-9pm.  I have the new comic up in the space and I’m happy with it, I’ll post it here shortly in both digital and photo format. Paul and I are going to stencil a poster outside for hype, and put some more original artwork up as well.



These are for the next show at Babygrand.  It’s a great bar my friends own. (babygrandnyc)

Paul and I have a lot of drawing to do, wish us luck.


Made for MoCCA 2011, in conjunction with Paul and Brian’s comic Spacetrash.   Full comic after the cut.

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Rock Paper Scissors

Pretty neat little study.  I enjoyed dominating the terminator hand.

via Boing Boing



This is just a quick quick update on the state of things.  2011 is shaping up to be a terrible year.  Already the worst on record.

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The end of this little guy.  This scene was one of the first I thought up, because of the use of the astronaut.  I wanted a fish-eye scene, which was pretty fun.  I fish eyed the word bubble.  Hope you all enjoyed this.  I’ll post the cover and print-ups next.