movies/outta the way PECK!

watched willow, and superbad.  not back to back, but within the last few days.  that’s the new problem hannah and I have with our life, netflix.  next up is kicking and screaming, and not the will farrell movie, which is actually pretty funny because he has a brother who is as old as his son.  what’s also funny is I didn’t realize that sorsha and madmardigan actually fell in love for realz during the filming of willow and married shortly after.  we are going to do a movie night sometime but I don’t know when, and what the hell to watch because there are so many movies/shows in the world.  i had never seen superbad before, it’s funny.  I also didn’t realize how much non stop fighting/action was in willow, as a kid I sort of thought the story was more balanced in pace, but I guess I was just wrong or had a.d.d. because there is a battle like every 2 min.  I also didn’t realize that there half of willow’s lines in the movie were just yelling “madmardigan wait!” or “madmardigan stopppp!!!” or “Kaya!!!”, etc.  hahaha.  Also learned (i’m learning a lot) that the actor who played willow is like the ruler of all midget actors, if you look at his filmography he’s in everything that has ever needed a midget in his lifetime!!  anyways, willow imho a perfect kid movie.  back to movie night, would a sealab night be cool? or the proposed forever thai night ie Ong Bak + The Protector + thai food be cool?  or like John Carpenter night ie BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA + THEY LIVE be cool?  there are entirely too many options.  hahhaa oh god i just thought of the ultimate: PITCH BLACK + FAST AND THE FURIOUS + XXX + CHRONICLES OF VIN DIESEL + a five course meal of mountain dew and code red.



  1. Cary says:

    Interesting to know.

  2. Eric Komans says:

    Hey, dunno if you remember me… I wonder if I still have claim to #1 fan after this long stretch…

    Anyway, onto movie recommendations.

    Could always watch Labyrinth, but that’s just going in with the stack of movies I associate with Willow-time.

    Sealab night would not be cool. Well maybe. I’d probably do a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles night just as readily. Do not read that as sarcasm.

    Thai night response = Little Fortune Night. AKA “Jackie Chan and Those Other Wankers”: Project A, Winners and Sinners, My Lucky Stars, Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars, Wheels on Meals, and Dragons Forever.

    Vin Diesel comparison… umm… Sure… I’m way too tired for that one. Just watch all the Batman movies or something, and try to pretend that they’re all interconnected somehow.

    If you’re going to do a John Carpenter night, do the Apocalypse Trilogy: The Thing, Prince of Darkness, and In the Mouth of Madness.

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thxgvng 08 BKYLN

thanksgiving was great.  we (hannah and I) had friends (Gary, Doris, Laura, Jefferson, Nick, Justin, Vivian, Megan, Ikbal, Nathan, Nomes, and Ben) over.  There was a lot of food words do not do this justice, i posted some poor pictures which will maybe help.  it was a feast night like none other and it was glorious.  it basically made me thankful for everything.  above is an image of justin cutting some of the enormous turkey we had.  I will suggest to kieran hebdan that this should be the new image for whatever next four tet project he does, because look:

here’s his album Pause, it’s the same awesome thing!  i think the justin one is awesomer!

Sigh, more pictures after the cut… Details »

Surface Magazine

We (Justin, Jefferson, Laura, and I) are in this issue of Surface Magazine, which is currently the current one.  They profile the White House Redux winners on page 80 check it out!  Surface is this design magazine that is sort of the architectural record of design, it’s quite big, and we are all pleased to be included in it.  I think it’s issue #74 but I could be wrong because they do weird stuff to the graphics like cut half the number off).

Anyways I’ve included an image of our page after the cut…

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Storefront for Art and Architecture – White House Redux

I always this may be old news, but Justin put up a great little visual summary of our White House competition entry plus a few shots of the storefront exhibition on his flickr if you’re all interested.  (Click the image above for the link)  Actually everyone should check it out cuz yeah I think we did alright.  There are plans to further archive it somewhere on the web but this is it so far.


To keep it short, the building we live in was sold and the new owner is removing the residential portion of the building, we therefore cannot renew the lease and will have to move out by next Sept.  There is a small amount of construction going on in the building currently, and Hannah and I recently explored the open first floor.  This used to be a factory where they make pillows.  Anyways our heating situation is pretty crappy right now so we found the boiler room.  I mean THE BOILERHOUSE… 

more after the cut… Details »

Wizard People, Dear Reader

Hannah and I have been Brad Neely fans for quite some time now, if you’re not familar with him he did that little washington video where washington is a total badass.  Well if you didn’t know he also has a huge collection of even better “brad neely comics” at, and they are well worth the look.  We quote the professor brothers and babycakes pretty often.

Now I learned yesterday that Brad Neely’s early work included a retelling of Harry Potter, called “wizard people, dear readers” which is played over a silent harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone.  We did this yesterday, and was by far 6 million points better than the original.  6 million points for harry potter!  griffindor wins!!!  It was envisioned as a audiobook of the first book that synced up with the movie.  I encourage everyone to watch the adventures of HP, Ronnie the Bear Weasel, Wretched Harmony, Dazzler, Haggar the Horrible, and Hardcastle McCormick.  Not to mention Mouthoil and Roast Beefy.  It’s quite amazing watching the spectacle to realize how much work was put into it, and the general amount of genius all round.  I read that he used to do this live, but got shut down by the man, too bad.

You can download the audio and read instructions here.

I hate mondays

Hannah and I went to the village pet store over the weekend, and would strongly suggest you go if you haven’t already.  A few bad pictures after the cut.

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