Wizard People, Dear Reader

Hannah and I have been Brad Neely fans for quite some time now, if you’re not familar with him he did that little washington video where washington is a total badass.  Well if you didn’t know he also has a huge collection of even better “brad neely comics” at superdeluxe.com, and they are well worth the look.  We quote the professor brothers and babycakes pretty often.

Now I learned yesterday that Brad Neely’s early work included a retelling of Harry Potter, called “wizard people, dear readers” which is played over a silent harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone.  We did this yesterday, and was by far 6 million points better than the original.  6 million points for harry potter!  griffindor wins!!!  It was envisioned as a audiobook of the first book that synced up with the movie.  I encourage everyone to watch the adventures of HP, Ronnie the Bear Weasel, Wretched Harmony, Dazzler, Haggar the Horrible, and Hardcastle McCormick.  Not to mention Mouthoil and Roast Beefy.  It’s quite amazing watching the spectacle to realize how much work was put into it, and the general amount of genius all round.  I read that he used to do this live, but got shut down by the man, too bad.

You can download the audio and read instructions here.

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Page seven.  FACT: Southwest Fiefdom is kinda like Northeast Kingdom.

PAGE 06 – Thom A. Hawk

Page 06.  I struggled mightily with this one.

Tomahawk City, NY – Page One

So here’s page one.  It was kinda hard to draw, some of you may recognize it from my neighborhood.  Also the logo/title was a big reason I procrastinated on this page, I was reworking it here and there.  I’m definitely reading too much orc stain bc it looks way too much like a crappy version of orc stain or crappy metal writing hahaha.  Jesus it’s silly.  Anyways, we’ll see…  I’ll set up a comic page for this comic that has all the pages on it next.  Oh wait,


Tomahawk City, NY – PG 05

Page 5 done.  I’m almost on schedule, (this should have been done on Thursday)  I enjoyed drawing the little disembodied heads for this sequence.  However, I hate the last panel, eventually I hope to redraw it, probably not until the other pages are done.  UGH.  BLEAH!!!

T.C.NYC – PG 04.

Page 4.  I have determined that this is the strangest comic I’ve ever written/drawn.  I have also realized large blocks of text are one of the most annoying things to draw ever, however I like hand lettered comics.

TC/NY – Page Three?

Page 3 or 2 (still figuring it out).   I was cracking up drawing this page for some reason, at one point my thought process was “if there is an open hand, put a tomahawk in it.”

Penciled 4 other pages and started inking one.  Hopefully I can finish it tonight.

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