movies/outta the way PECK!

watched willow, and superbad.  not back to back, but within the last few days.  that’s the new problem hannah and I have with our life, netflix.  next up is kicking and screaming, and not the will farrell movie, which is actually pretty funny because he has a brother who is as old as his son.  what’s also funny is I didn’t realize that sorsha and madmardigan actually fell in love for realz during the filming of willow and married shortly after.  we are going to do a movie night sometime but I don’t know when, and what the hell to watch because there are so many movies/shows in the world.  i had never seen superbad before, it’s funny.  I also didn’t realize how much non stop fighting/action was in willow, as a kid I sort of thought the story was more balanced in pace, but I guess I was just wrong or had a.d.d. because there is a battle like every 2 min.  I also didn’t realize that there half of willow’s lines in the movie were just yelling “madmardigan wait!” or “madmardigan stopppp!!!” or “Kaya!!!”, etc.  hahaha.  Also learned (i’m learning a lot) that the actor who played willow is like the ruler of all midget actors, if you look at his filmography he’s in everything that has ever needed a midget in his lifetime!!  anyways, willow imho a perfect kid movie.  back to movie night, would a sealab night be cool? or the proposed forever thai night ie Ong Bak + The Protector + thai food be cool?  or like John Carpenter night ie BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA + THEY LIVE be cool?  there are entirely too many options.  hahhaa oh god i just thought of the ultimate: PITCH BLACK + FAST AND THE FURIOUS + XXX + CHRONICLES OF VIN DIESEL + a five course meal of mountain dew and code red.



  1. Cary says:

    Interesting to know.

  2. Eric Komans says:

    Hey, dunno if you remember me… I wonder if I still have claim to #1 fan after this long stretch…

    Anyway, onto movie recommendations.

    Could always watch Labyrinth, but that’s just going in with the stack of movies I associate with Willow-time.

    Sealab night would not be cool. Well maybe. I’d probably do a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles night just as readily. Do not read that as sarcasm.

    Thai night response = Little Fortune Night. AKA “Jackie Chan and Those Other Wankers”: Project A, Winners and Sinners, My Lucky Stars, Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars, Wheels on Meals, and Dragons Forever.

    Vin Diesel comparison… umm… Sure… I’m way too tired for that one. Just watch all the Batman movies or something, and try to pretend that they’re all interconnected somehow.

    If you’re going to do a John Carpenter night, do the Apocalypse Trilogy: The Thing, Prince of Darkness, and In the Mouth of Madness.

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I am thankful for Major Lazer

Major Lazer "Pon De Floor" ft. Vybz Kartel and Afro Jack
Uploaded by DowntownMusic. – See the latest featured music videos.

And who would ever think I’d like reggae dancehall music.

PS. I’m going to eat so much.

Random quick recap of the past. Probably from February to July. OH GOD.

In no particular order, this is a doublebow that hannah and I saw from the top of our apartment building a while ago. This was right after a storm, I actually think it was raining. June and May were really rainy, like seattle, like 25 out of 30 days were raining. July was sunny.

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So there was a competition called Reburbia, put on by inhabitat and dwell. Very cool concept, how would you re-envision suburbia. We (the gang) had discussions, and brainstorms about the subject and ultimately couldn’t come up with anything cohesive. This is a really hard prompt. The problem started with how pragmatic should the solution be, and the question of what is suburbia. When a somewhat pragmatic approach is viewed, lets say we want mixed use within suburbia, commercial, community space, etc. And lets say we would like to add some other integrated community green space, bike lanes everywhere, integrated public transportation, and all those nice things. Well you’ve just turned suburbia into a city. And that’s where thing started to get annoying, because we realized that suburbia is and has always been about living with a “country or rural” type of life with proximity to the city. Now I don’t mean farming animals or whatever, but having a nice quiet place, without the noise and bustle of the city, but close enough to the city to work or be entertained or whatever. Most ideas about turning the suburban into the urban then seemed really silly, because a lot of people don’t like city life, a lot of people like driving cars, and a lot of people like privacy, a lot of people like having much more space for their dollar, and don’t really know or hang out with their neighbors. Which is why a lot of people live in suburbia, among other reasons. We conjured up visions of deconstructing houses to make passageways to other buildings, sinking buildings, matta-clarking buildings, using demographics as program for suburia, etc. None of which really grabbed us. Eventually I think we were burnt out on the thing, because we couldn’t decide on an answer/other obligations/timeline. (The timeline was really short, considering that it only allowed for 5 images my guess is they wanted a ton of really quick ideas on the subject, suburban wind farm, and McMansion zoo, etc.) I saw the problem with suburbia not so much with the actual cookie cutter designs, excessive and reckless use of land/space, and general blah of existence. The big problem was that people want these cookie cutter neighborhoods, excessive and reckless use of land/space, and general blah. A 5 bedroom, 5 bathroom, 3 car garage, complete with pool and manicured lawn and built in a spanish style stucco whatever is awesome to most people! People love it! Attacking or undoing the image of this suburban ideal seemed to be more useful than proposing bike lanes or windmills for the already wide ass streets. Because it seems the general populous’ suburban preference is the largest design hurdle to overcome.

As a side note, I want to eventually produce a collaborative work called Delirious Sacramento, sort of an homage to Koolhaas’ Delirious New York/funny assessment of a fairly average city in comparison. I’ve grown up in the suburbs, all my friends generally have as well, and now there is a large group of us living in the city. We all have mixed feeling about the city in general, as there are merits to both. I do think it’ll be a worthwhile long term project and working on this submission and thinking about suburbia in general was a great kick start to Delirious Sacramento.

Back to the competition: At a certain point I was like fuck it, I’ll just make something fun, stemming from the idea that the suburban ideal must be subverted. This is what resulted. (BEHIND THE CUT)

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daniel rossa x urbanscreen: 555 kubik

555 KUBIK | facade projection | from urbanscreen on Vimeo.

I try not to post stuff from other blogs on this my blog because I’d like to think you’d come here for just my stuff but but this is an exception. what this guy daniel rossa and urbanscreen did to this kunsthalle in hamburg germany is just rad. their description is “how would it be, if a house was dreaming?”

via designboom weblog.


So we are stumped by this thing and I scanned these sketchbook pages of discussion to record and communicate with team members but sort of realized that they look kinda cool on their own.


Behind the scenes of the putt-putt competiton. Above was part of our submission for the competition, as you can see, it changed a bit during construction. I hope to actually put some real pictures up soon too, sorry I’m a slacker.